Title: Karera ga Honki de Amu Toki wa / Close Knit
Genre: Drama, family, slice of life
Run time: 127 minutes
Release year: 2017
Rinka Kakihara as Tomo
Ikuta Toma as Rinko
Kiritani Kenta as Makio
Can you imagine Ikuta Toma as a transgender?! Well, me? Now I can and I love it! Close Knit makes me realize that Ikuta Toma is a versatile actor more than I could imagine before. Close Knit is a proof that despite his good look and masculine figure, he can also act as a gentle yet feminine Rinko chan that we can't help falling in love.
In Close Knit, the main story is about Tomo (12 years old) who live with her single mother. One day her mom run away and left her in the care of Makio, her uncle. On the way home, he tells Tomo that he is living together with his partner Rinko chan who is not an usual woman but a male born female or a transgender. Rinko chan works as nurse in a nursing house where he met Makio for the first time. Makio fell in love at the first sight with the gentleness of Rinko whe she takes care of her old mom. They fall for each other and end up living together.
The same thing goes to Tomo. She find the mother's love in Rinko who made her beautiful bento everyday that she never gets from her real mom. Rinko's love also grows for Tomo as mother. Then, will they become a happy family with unusual composition? It's not as simple as it may seems because transgender woman still seen as the anomalie in the society. This is interesting because I can see the untold story of Japanese view for transgender that I thought more open minded than this. Close Knit try to reveal the hot issue, complex story in a really heartwarming, full of love, and cute story from Tomo-chan, Rinko-chan, and not forget to mention the gentleman here Makio.
You should watch this gem!
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